Access to Human Rights of women deprived of their liberty. Case study of Penitentiary Unit No. 4, Salta, Argentina.


  • Guadalupe Macedo



access to human rights, gender, deprivation of liberty


The following Final Research work for obtaining the degree of Specialization in Human Rights aims to address the access to human rights that women deprived of their liberty have within the prison unit N° 4 of the province of Salta. The proposal was to analyze the situation of the provincial women's prison N° 4 of Salta Capital, located in the north of Argentina, taking as corpus of analysis the magazine "Volver a Sonreír" produced from 2017 to 2020. Specifically, we will inquire about the access to human rights, mainly the right to communication, within systems of control and isolation, with the aim of demonstrating the inequalities that exist around gender.

For this purpose, we will start from the analysis of graphic productions of "Volver a sonreír", a magazine produced by women in prison. The theoretical and methodological prism in which the study is framed is Discourse Analysis. It is proposed to investigate this problem from the differentiation of two thematic axes where it is analyzed, what women say and the national and international legislations that the country adheres to.

We start from the following research questions: Do women deprived of their liberty know their rights? Do they access them in contexts of isolation and control? To what extent are there human rights violations within prisons due to gender issues?



How to Cite

Macedo, G. (2024). Access to Human Rights of women deprived of their liberty. Case study of Penitentiary Unit No. 4, Salta, Argentina. Estudios Rurales, 14(29).


