“The Peasant.” A Reading To The Newspaper Of The Chaco Agrarian Leagues.


  • Leonardo Hernán Fernández Universidad Nacional de General Sarmiento




Agrarian Leagues, journal, social movements


The objective of the article is to analyze the newspaper El Campesino, the official publication of the Chaco Agrarian Leagues (LACH). The newspaper was published from November 1972 to May 1974. In this brief but intense period of the political life of Argentina, it was a voice that managed to make the demands of the organized cotton settlers heard in the public debate. Furthermore, in this publication we find the link between the LACH and governments and also the role that women played in the organization. In this article it will be observed that with the publication El Campesino they tried to create a means of counter-information from which to create currents of opinion favorable to the interests of producers and also to dissent on certain issues to mobilize them in search of solutions. Based on the analysis of the newspaper and the use of oral history techniques, the aim is to identify the central themes of the publication, from which they attempted to unify points of view and mobilize the agricultural producers of the region.



How to Cite

Fernández, L. H. (2024). “The Peasant.” A Reading To The Newspaper Of The Chaco Agrarian Leagues. Estudios Rurales, 14(29). https://doi.org/10.48160/22504001er29.518


