Transformations in the daily life of the inhabitants of Gualeguaychú, Entre Ríos, from the extension of the railway (1890-1943).
Gualeguaychú, rail transport, local history, microhistory, everyday lifeAbstract
Gualeguaychú is a city that is located in the southeast of the province of Entre Ríos and that participated in the railway experience. Several authors have affirmed that this phenomenon guaranteed a modernization in the process of transporting cargo and passengers, the real connection of different regions, the internal mobility of people and raw materials. The objective of the present investigation is to reduce the scale to its minimum expression, and to analyze the impact of the railway experience in daily life, and the scope that it had for inhabitants of a peripheral city, within the national socio-economic context. The intention of this work is to study a phenomenon that has been analyzed from different perspectives: economic, political, institutional, but it has not been studied from the user's point of view, in their daily life, that is, from those social actors that are not central. in official sources. To carry out the proposal, framed in the perspective of local history and microhistory, various sources have been used and a methodology that privileged qualitative techniques, without underestimating the contribution of quantitative ones.