The Role of Sharing Economy in the Production Performance of Rural Agrarian Reform Settlements


  • Larissa Costa Monteiro Universidade de Brasília
  • Fabricio Oliveira Leitão Universidade de Brasília
  • Mauro Eduardo Delgrossi Universidade de Brasília
  • Bruno Garcia de Oliveira



Sharing, Family farming, Competitiveness


The Shared Economy (SE) has established itself as a sustainable alternative to the traditional economy model, called Linear Economy, but researchers are pointing out gaps between what has been studied about the SE and its relationship with production performance, with evidence that the adoption of SE practices can help improve food production performance. This study investigates how sharing practices can help improve the milk production performance of rural agrarian reform settlements. The methodological procedure adopted was a case study with producers from three settlements of Unaí, Arinos and Buritis, located in the state of Minas Gerais. The results showed that sharing practices help improve milk production performance at social, strategic and operational levels. Sharing machines, tools, equipment, inputs, animals, knowledge and skills helps to improve the quality of milk, generating greater reliability in the production chain, reducing production costs, mitigating environmental impacts, and increasing the quality of life of the producers' families.



How to Cite

Costa Monteiro, L., Oliveira Leitão, F., Delgrossi, M. E., & Garcia de Oliveira, B. (2024). The Role of Sharing Economy in the Production Performance of Rural Agrarian Reform Settlements. Estudios Rurales, 14(29).


