Land situation in the province of Salta. An approximation to the context prior to the Territorial Management of Native Forests
Access and land possession, Salta, territorial conflictsAbstract
In this article we have as an aim to go deep in the productive and territorial characteristics of the Salta province in the years prior to the enactment of the National Law N. 26.331 “About Minimal Budgets of Environmental Protection of Native Forests” and the implementation of the Territorial Management of Native Forests in Salta.
In particular, we focus on providing a characterization of the agrarian structure in eastern province and the problems of land possession that affect indigenous and creole people. We use statistical information and discuss some paradigmatic cases of territorial conflicts that have taken place in the last decades of the XX century and early XXI, which will be of particular interest for understanding the OTBN in the province of Salta.